Over the years my brother David, my nephew David and myself have built up quite a collection of 1/72 and 1/76 scale models in plastic, resin and metal and this is just a small part of the collection!

It would be fair to say we were over the top with our collecting.

We collected everything from late to early war by many manufacturers
(Milicast, Esci, UM, ACE, Revell, PST, Planet Model etc). I had no space for the collection so it was up to the Davids to house the lot.

We have so many
unbuilt and half built kits it is unbelievable, even after a couple of my friends helped me part with a good many of them last year I still have probably over 200 resin, plastic and also metal kits stuck in my loft.

I am getting my loft floored and turning part into a painting room at the moment and I plan on going back to building and painting my WW2 models once again.
However I would guess a large amount of the boxed kits will find their way onto ebay!

Most of the models you can see were done before I joined a local modelling club and bought my 1st airbrush so you will see that the weathering is very dark in areas. Still you have to start somewhere and we got a lot of enjoyment out of our wee vehicles and figures.